Crowning reasons why Direct Mail is still King!
Long before radio, television and digital marketing, direct mail ruled.
Ask a senior relative about mail order catalogues and they will probably remember the Littlewoods catalogue first published in May 1932, they went on to change shopping across the millennium. Look to the current day, the one that regularly arrives on my doormat is Screwfix, guaranteed with all the usual methods to encourage further engagement.
Today direct mail has received a bit of a bad reputation. The term “junk mail” isn’t exactly a compliment! Some refer to direct mail as an “old” form of advertising, thinking of direct mail as antiquated or off-target. However, when carefully crafted, directed to the right recipient through good use of learned data or other metrics can deliver results which outshine other methods.
The fact is, many companies do use direct marketing. According to recent studies, almost 60% of total mail volume was comprised of direct mail pieces.
Response levels to direct mail continues to be strong every year, generating leads for businesses across a range of industries. Whilst any data set can be described as statistics, the level of these customer response rates to common marketing methods give some cause for reflection.
1.2% | Online Displays |
0.6% | Social Media |
0.8% | Paid Search |
0.35% | E-mail Marketing |
6.0% | Direct Mail to a recipient |
Why is Direct Mail Effective?
Direct mail is easy.
Direct mail marketing is easy to process. In an age of digital noise, the tactile presence of a physical mailing is feeding your recipient’s non-digital senses. Engaging touch, even a little bit of smell and physical actions of handling an item. Helps the recipient process more, in an efficient manner. One study found it takes 21% less cognitive effort to process physical mail.
Direct mail is interesting.
Almost half of Millennials thrive on the unique experience of physical mail.
According to the leading industry experts, 18-21 year-olds’ response rates to direct mail are as high as 15%. Utilising this within a carefully crafted marketing strategy, utilising a clever progression of other marketing touchpoints millennials are more than likely to engage and respond!
Direct mail is memorable.
People who spend time with physical marketing materials have a stronger emotional response and a better memory of these engagements. A fascinating message goes a long way too when you develop your campaign with direct mail, the longevity increases. Creating colourful, memorable messages, with good written and visual content can start a great fast-tracked progression.
A good example of this is; IKEA as a global player in retail fully understands how to engage through clever mailings. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone is writing a book on all the methods which IKEA have illustrated through their campaigns. From cleverly words press advertisements through to engaging pop-up mailers for LACK side tables, the postcard perfectly demonstrated one of IKEA’s clever design concepts. IKEA’s postcard allowed users to experience the simple assembly of the LACK table, which left a deep, memorable impression.
Just one example of IKEA’s unique approach: https://youtu.be/18lZImt1L9Q
Achieve Face-to-Face with appropriate Direct Mail
Emails are increasingly getting well known for having low open rates, as many users have inboxes brimming at the seams with un-opened mail. When you use direct mail, some will offer you one-on-one attention they wouldn’t give to any other medium. Ask any seasoned marketing expert and they will be the first to tell you direct mail because it stands tall in a digital generation.
Apart from the many catalogues that fill our mailboxes between Halloween and Christmas, most of us receive very little traditional mail. When you make your piece of direct mail stand out from the rest of the mail and get noticed; using a unique design, shapes, different enclosing methods, along with personalisation to maximise the impact.
If you need help creating the perfect direct mail piece that will stand out, we can help you every step of the way.
Find out more about building a connected marketing strategy with print catalysts and digital integrations, sign up for our white paper at http://eepurl.com/gIVF7v