Building authority on your subject matter…
One of the major principles underlying marketing and a sales process is “know like trust”.
For some professions and trades, when intangibles are at the heart of what you deliver, when it is about culture, the way things work, demonstrating and unpacking what is essential to gain traction with potential customers. Seeing is believing, even the written word provides this too.
One interesting concept which we are seeing more examples of, is where subject specialists use a book as the means to demonstrate their knowledge. In turn builds the trust on a subject with their audience, as it provides creditability through being a “produced” piece.
Some of our recent projects have utilise this as a point of providing leverage.
In an age where flash, almost retro buy it now graphics and corny imagery are now making a comeback, for look at this, wow isn’t this brilliant etc. The very opposite stands ground for delivering re-assurance and security of being. Trust is built on values and being grounded. So the nature of certain things need gravitas to aid the progression with a customer audience.
We are seeing photographers committing projects to print, to provide longevity, to drive the story telling of their work in a specific manner. The progression of the subject or development of the concept. When online means provides the ability to jump around, miss the finesse of the story telling, print provides a structured manner to deliver it in. After all an artists’ portfolio is compiled in such a way to build, inform and tell the story.

One of the books we’ve recently printed has been a niche market sector customer service guide, illustrating the challenges and the way to overcome, alongside social and political environment which present within this given community. Being able to tell the story in a manner which was narrative and unpack the why and how behind the concept, is to build the trust in the author as a subject matter specialist.

I am well aware of other management consultants using this process to enhance their leverage with their prospective client base. A well-presented paperback book carefully arrived with a prospective client has a point of value about it. Whether it is self-published, published with a large publishing house or even a self-commissioned as a marketing tool.
Equally we have fulfilled and mailed on behalf of an author how used her book as a social media content tool. Getting people to engage with her on social media to receive a physical copy of the book. Of course the journey involved here doesn’t just involve the give-away copies, as nothing is free. Careful use of social and electronic media, then prompts the recipients for feedback or reviews, which then boost the profile of the book in the relevant online searches.

It is fair to say, the age of the physical printed
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